pregnancy week by week

Tuesday, 03 March 2009


Holy cow! I'm not sure exactly how I did it, because I certainly did not have a perfect eating week. The only thing that I can figure is that the walking and drinking water is saving my behind. Perhaps my body doesn't mind a little 'fattening' food every now and then. It could also be extra water I have lost after my cycle, since I stood still last week. Whatever the case I am standing at a loss of 6kg already and I'm very proud of myself!

The jeans I am wearing today always fit me properly, they were never too tight. In fact I could wear them well into my pregnancy, when all my other jeans failed me. Today they are too big. Not so big that I can't wear them or that they don't look OK, but too big none the less. Yay!

I forgot to update on Fence, I think. Fence did eventually phone Rudi back last Friday (I must have jinxed it by blogging about it), but Rudi didn't go fishing with him anyway. They have a fishing trip planned this weekend at which my presence is required. I don't mind going. I've got a good book I'm busy reading and hopefully Nellie would have been able to set up chat on her phone by then.

Poor Nellie is at home today. She's taking a sick day. She has a lot of stress at work at the moment and I haven't been able to talk to her much since they've moved her into an office with no e-mail. No e-mail! She must have felt like she was living in the dark ages!

No ferning on my microscope yet. I'm on cycle day 13, so maybe in a couple of days to a week the ferning will show up. I hope so!


Anonymous said...

Wow 6kg that was fast! It seems so recent you embarked on your weight loss journey, geez well done, keep it up :) It'll help you fall pregnant too I think :)


acidicice said...

It does seem rather recent hey :) This SHOULD help me get pregnant. I hope it does so soon :)

Anonymous said...

That is supercool and well done!!!!!


Anonymous said...

WELL DONE. 6kg is a LOT!!! Very impressive. Keep it up.

Glad life seems to have a settled a bit for you too.

All the best.

acidicice said...

Thanks Gen and Jane :)

Wenchy said...

Yay! Fabulous babe

Leeza said...

Well done!! It's really great for you

AngelConradie said...

strongs for the fishing- and yay for the weightloss!!! thats fantastic!!!