pregnancy week by week

Monday, 22 September 2008's back

Just in case I missed my morning sickness while it went looking for a new person to make decided to join me again yesterday. Yesterday morning I was feeling 100%. I was even upbeat because I thought I looked cute in a new outfit I bought. I went to church and while sitting there I felt weird and got to the loo just in time. I can only hope nobody heard me. Blind.

I felt like crap the whole day yesterday and this morning when I woke up I soon realized that I was too happy too soon about this morning sickness going away. It's definitely still here :( This really sucks because it's supposed to go away by now. I'm probably almost 15 weeks now (according to my last gynae visit). I'm going to cry. Damnit.

On a happier note I went shopping with Sarah on Saturday and managed to spend some money on myself. I bought some accessories and 3 nice tops, PLUS I'm getting my hair done today. I can't wait to get rid of these roots! I really hope it doesn't take 3 and a half hours like it did last time...I'm going to be bored out of my skull!

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