pregnancy week by week

Wednesday, 28 January 2009


So Rudi and I actually went for a walk last night. After having a lovely (healthy) meal we set off for the walk.

We walked around our complex to a nearby dam, around the dam and back home again. Walking to the dam and around it was pretty easy and I set a fast pace, but walking back was uphill all the way! It was only a mild incline, but uphill none the less!

I must say I really took strain on the uphill and had to climb a flight of stairs to get back into the house. My heart was pounding, my muscles were twitching and my lungs were burning. The whole walk took us about 20 minutes.

After I recovered and caught my breath back I felt pretty good about it. We won't have time to go for a walk tonight as I'm going to church and Rudi's going to darts, but tomorrow night I want to go again.

The eating plan is going really well so far and it's really not too difficult. Maybe this is the one!


Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work. In a few weeks time that walk will be a breeze.

acidicice said...

Thanks Glugster :) I intend to...give me a swift kick up the comment butt if I don't!

Anonymous said...

Well done!

I have totally fallen off the wagon this week. I have no idea what is wrong with me actually. :(

But you are sounding so much more positive KEEP IT UP!

Wenchy said...


Unknown said...

Well done with the walk, that's brilliant you must keep it up!

AngelConradie said...

VERY cool, I am SUPERDOOPER impressed!!

Anonymous said...

Isn't dieting fun - note my sarcasm... LOL Love your blog btw

acidicice said...

angel - :) I are also impressed :)

reederscorner - No, I hate it...but I'm trying not to thing of it as 'dieting'. Already thinking about other delicious (read: sinful) alternatives...

Thanks for reading and de-lurking yourself :)

Anonymous said...

That's a good start. You really need to keep going too because you sound very unfit for your age. x

acidicice said...

Thanks oinkoinkoink. I really am going to try. I cannot deny it. I am grossly unfit!