So I received an e-mail from SAMoms (a Yahoo group I am part of) which led me to this site which has endless fonts for tattoos. I have chosen three fonts which I like, but haven't settled on a particular one. Help me choose! The size varies in these pics, but the website allows you to enlarge the fonts as well. Drop me a comment and tell me which one you like!



Although this is not a democracy, I'm sure I could be swayed by number of votes to get a certain one. So send your friends here to choose their favourite too and drop me a comment!
I've been booked off sick today. I was feeling terrible yesterday and made an appointment to see the doctor after work. I went to see a new doctor since my regular GP was away. He was SUCH a nice man. Very personable, polite and friendly. I might even go to him again. He says I am developing flu, but don't need to worry about menangitis or anything serious. He gave me some medicine for my symptoms, booked me off for today and sent me on my merry way. I feel a little worse today, but the medicine is helping. It always gets worse before it gets better hey. The doctor gave me something called Empacod, the pharmacist said 'This has Codeine in it, so it will make you feel lekker (nice)'. I usually take Adcodol so I'm familiar with Codeine and it's never really done anything for me, but these tablets have given me a *slight* buzz. Nice.
Tomorrow I have a hair appointment. I hope my hairdresser can even out the colour and give me a nice cut. I'm in the mood for a new style...but still don't want to lose my length. Will chat to her about some bangs or a fringe or something. I'm very nervous to get a fringe - it's really high maintenance to make sure it always looks good. I think I could handle bangs, you can always stick them behind your ears if they get in the way.
We have guests coming over for a braai (BBQ) tonight and Rudi has left the house in a glorious mess, so even though I'm sick I still have to clean. Ugh.
Now don't forget to comment and tell me which tattoo you like!
The last James name. Like that font, would look nice on your skin.
I like the first one. Hate the middle one and could be swayed towards the third.
Helpful? Probably not.
I like the first one.
I'm also home sick. The doc I ended up seeing yesterday wouldn't shut up and I now know all about him and his kids and what his kids' studying is costing him and where he grew up and his hobbies and and and... you'd think that with me keeping quiet he's get the hint?
Feel better!
Definitely number 3, THREE!!! choose no.III :P number two is the font that most people have so I dont like that, when I got my chinese writing I had my chinese friend with me so she could verify what it said, but she said the chinese calligraphy writing they had looked like a class one child had written it :)
Where on your body are you putting it?
I LOVE number one. I think it is original and different.
Hope you feel better soon!!
zola - thanks
Veronica - it is helpful, thank you! Not one person has voted for the middle one, if it's any consolation.
Angel - hope you feel better too hon!
Anon - I don't know yet. Have considered the back of my neck and my wrists, but will most likely put it underneath or above the butterfly on my right shoulder.
Thanks Hon3y :)
I love number 1! and i would go for back of the neck, just my 2c.
I like number one the most and i also don't like 2!
Number 1!
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