pregnancy week by week

Wednesday, 06 August 2008


So today is the day my grandfather goes in for his operation. We went to see him last night in the hospital. They were making him drink 2 litres of stuff called 'Clean Prep'. It flushes out your system, cleaning out your bowels. Apparently it tastes really salty. My grandfather says it's like drinking sea water. *shudder* He threw up while we were there. I felt so bad for him. He's really suffering and he hasn't even been cut open yet.

He'll be in ICU for a minimum of 24 hours after the operation which may take place as late as 16:00 today (maybe even later). He's the 5th patient on the doctor's list for today, so we probably won't be able to see him tonight. It's a rather common surgery, but it is still major surgery. They have also measured him for a bag in case they need to put one in for him.

He has a lot of prayers being said for him and we are hoping for the best.

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