pregnancy week by week

Wednesday, 29 April 2009

From blonde to brunette...

So last night Sarah and I got together and transformed me from a blonde to a brunette. Took less than an hour and here are the results:

My hair before:

This last one is going to my new profile pic for sure :)

What you think?


anib said...

that's kinda drastic.. but you look great! :)

BioniKat said...

I think the brunette looks better on you than the blonde.

SwissTwist said...

I really like the dark hair! you look lovely :-)

Anonymous said...

it really really suits you - a lot less harsh than blonde and it will bring out your eyes - i love it! why dont you go for a fringe as well? i think a fringe would look great on your face michxx

AngelConradie said...

I LIKE it! I really like it! You look great!

Anonymous said...


Solitaire said...

I like it! Besides I'm convinced brunettes have more fun!