pregnancy week by week

Wednesday, 06 May 2009

I am a quitter

I'm going to quit smoking again. I don't even know why I started. OK, I know why I started, but I don't know why I'm still doing it.

I thought maybe if I put a ticker up on my blog it would motivate me to keep on. I've developed a beautiful cough and I don't know if it's because I'm smoking or whether I'm getting sick, but it shouldn't matter. If I wasn't smoking I would know, wouldn't I?

I was very proud of myself quitting before...and I'm tired of letting myself down. Watch the ticker. If it resets, you'll know I fell off the wagon again.


zola said...

I am happy to hear that you want to try again to quit smoking.

I know, it's hard in the beginning. I have quit smoking for more than 2 years now and remember that it was hard but just remind yourself that it will do you good to quit. Just get past that first day, then the second and then the first week. When you have passed the first week, try to stay clear from others who smoke.

Good luck!

AngelConradie said...

strongs sweetie. lots!